Sunday, 21 February 2016

Our wedding

Nearly 3 years!

so things have been a bit poop for me recently, in the crazy brain department. I've been referred to the community psychiatric nurse team, put on stronger meds...and slightly terrifyingly given some Valium to take when I get really anxious.

so any way, all that is poop, so I thought I would write instead about our wedding. mine and Coyotes. because it was in fact one of the happiest days of my life.

The biggest thing that I wanted for our wedding was that it be relaxed. there seems to be an awful lot of unnecessary stuff people throw at weddings (mostly to make money it seems) that make everything more complicated and stressful. I did not want any of that! I wanted a day that was relaxed and fun and personal to me and Coyote. Nothing too formal. I also wanted to keep the costs down.

We got married in the same registry office as my step dad and mum got married in, and we used a house that is owned by my step dads family for the party after. which meant a hell of a lot to me because my step dad has passed away, and I wanted to feel like he was there with us.

I bought tons of the stuff for the wedding online, I tried to go to wedding dress shops and do the whole "bride" thing...but it felt massively uncomfortable to me, I hated the fact that most places only really catered for brides who are skinny, and I hated the fact that most places didn't show or say what their prices were! I tried on a couple of wedding dresses at a charity shop to get the feel of them, but I also discovered something about myself...though I do actually look quite good as a white feels massively wrong to me. I wanted to feel like ME still. So I actually ordered a modified prom dress from (seriously, Etsy is amazing for wedding stuff) that was black and red and white and awesome. I also got my very shiny glass slippers (ok, they weren't actually glass, but shiny silk white with crystals on them, but to me they looked like glass slippers) and my tiara online. I also got Tabitha's dress online and let Hermione choose her own bridesmaid dress.

in the same vein as reducing costs and stress, we ordered paper flowers for the wedding, which are much cheaper than fresh flowers, and we could get them far in advance and then just keep them in boxes till the day.we also decided to ignore traditional catering and have a hog roast to eat! we also ordered lots of the decorations online and just ordered a bulk amount of wine and sparkling wine and Jura whiskey online!

anyway, in a lot of ways it felt like the wedding started the day before, we went to stay the night in Tadcaster at Alex's families house, and a lot of people actually showed up to stay over too! which was great fun, we went swimming in the little out door pool and a particular family of amazing munchkins (*waves to jenny, and hazels and Ivy and jamie*) helped do most of the decorating (they made the place look amazing!) and then that night we ordered a big indian take out and all sat round together eating curry and drinking wine and gossiping and enjoying ourselves. me and Coyote stayed in the same room that night (literally from when we got engaged we came to the agreement that we were not going to spend the night before such a big and stressful day apart!).

the next morning is a bit of a blur getting the last things ready and putting on my pretty things and Ania and my mum helping me sort out my hair (straighteners and red ribbons through my hair), and Hermione turning up and getting Tabitha dressed and trying to get her hair tied up (never did manage that one) and trying to avoid Coyote from seeing me in my dress! the Hogroast people arriving to set up and the bouncy castle arrived (did I mention we had a bouncy castle!!!!!!!)...and yeah, we did absolutely manage to leave late for my own wedding! we were 15 minutes late! luckily Coyote had got a lift from his best man and everyone else made it on time!

though nearly the first thing that happened when we finally arrived was being told that the music CD my maid of honor (Jay, my male maid of honor, to go with Coyotes female best man) had made didn't work!!! so I had to randomly pick from the CD's they happened to have. I pretty much picked songs at random because they made me smile...we left the registry office to "tainted love".

I walked up the aisle carrying Tabitha (which was just what I wanted, and she wanted me too).

the ceremony was lovely, it was relaxed and casual, people laughed and Tabitha stole the show by playing with the flowers and trying to play with the sound system and then insisting that she should sign the wedding certificate too. we used a couple of poems we loved and a poem that I had actually written specially for Coyote. I couldn't stop grinning, and neither could he. it was a loving and warm ceremony that felt amazingly special.

the weather had been predicted to be ok-ish. just about 10% chance of rain, but cloudy...but the first half of the day was bright and warm sunshine, it was perfect for a quick round of photo's (taken by a wonderful friend of ours) and eating my big pig sandwhich and cupcakes sitting on the grass outside (we didn't have any kind of organised seating, so people were free to wander and eat and chat, and we didn't have a wedding cake, because I don't like fruit cake and they are ridiculously expensive, so instead my mum, step mum and Ivy all made cupcakes for people to eat, and they were yummy!)

the weather stayed lovely till after the speeches (short and sweet from everyone, but wonderfully personal, even I did a speech!) 
and then the heavens opened in a massive and dramatic thunderstorm that sat right over head and had big rolls of thunder and lightning flashes and a massive amount of warm rain! me and Tabitha went to bounce on the bouncy castle in the rain and lots of people did swimming in the out door pool in the pouring was amazing. everyone was chatting and enjoying themselves, there was even a big card game that continued through most of the day, just changing the people involved occasionally. we used our own little sound system and our own music, and some people started dancing (though not really us)...and generally everyone seemed to have a really relaxed and happy time.

it was amazing. the happiest day of my life.

p.s. are the people who did our food, and they were amazing!!!

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