Friday 16 January 2015

Sorry its been so long...

21 months

I am so sorry its been so long. life has been intensely busy for a little while. we have had Christmas and moved house and I've been having depression issues recently (back on anti-depressants, boo!). and I've been organizing the wedding, and we didn't have internet for about a month...and generally we've had no time to even turn around!

so here are some of the things that Tabitha has been up to:
  • she has been sleeping really well in her own bedroom! we've had absolutely zero issues transitioning her. she sleeps happily all night, and only takes 5 minutes most nights to drop off to sleep, in comparison to the 45-60 minutes she took in the old flat.
  •  she had a really fun Christmas, we went to see Santa and her eyes were like saucers.
  • for Christmas we got her a massive play kitchen that she loves.
  • she learned the word "snow man" (that she says 'Noman!') and "bauble" and "lights". but she thinks snow men and Santa are interchangeable.
  • she has learned her first joke, she says "banana?" I say "do you want a banana?" and she starts giggling like mad and says "NO!" is actually hilarious to me.
  • her language is coming on in leaps and bounds, we can now actually have conversations with her and she can communicate properly what she wants. which is awesome.
  • she has peed on the toilet for the first time!!!! we've got one of the toilet seat cover things that means that toddlers can sit on the toilet, so for a little while before we put on a clean nappy she's been wanting to sit on the toilet like mummy and daddy do, and now she has peed! she got a round of applause and much cheering.
  • she is getting really ready for nursery school...but I'm still going to wait until she is 2. I want her to have this really secure time at home for now.
  • she is getting so BIG. really tall and loosing all of her baby tubbyness. where did my little baby go?
  • Toddler tantrums are very much a thing now. she screams and throws herself on the floor and gets frustrated and throws things on the floor. this is not fun. 
  • she is a little ball of destruction. she can open doors and open boxes and undo zips and destroy stuff. nothing is safe from her any more.
  • her imaginative play is really coming on, everything is a telephone and she likes holding pretend conversations with granddad and granny. she will also brush toys hair, and cuddle them like I cuddle her, and dance with her Gruffalo toy...its adorable.
  • she has now completely mastered a spoon and fork. again, thank god for baby led weaning, we didn't have to teach her to do it, just kept using them in front of her, and she copied us. she is also finally getting much neater with her eating. she is also using a proper cup and only occasionally tipping its contents all over herself and the table.
  • she is now trying to run. but hasn't mastered the art of bending her legs, so she just waddles really fast.
  • she really likes brushing her teeth...I have no idea how we have managed to achieve this. but she won't let us put her to bed, or leave the house without her brushing her teeth. with grown up tooth paste and everything (as directed by the health visitor, something to do with no fluoride in the water here).
  • she is a absolute cannon ball with other children. she loves them, but doesn't understand how to be gentle with them, so in her enthusiasm to make friends, she runs up and grabs and hugs, often accidentally knocking over the child in question...most parents are understanding about this...but sometimes really not.
  • she is still such a happy, content little thing, always smiling and saying hello. and I still love her with all my heart.

having a house has made such a big difference to our quality of life. it is amazing. so much stuff is easier and less stressful. and I can't wait to be married!

                                      (this is Tabitha after the first night in our new house!)

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